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Slow Body Rock (Rockstar Romance) Page 8
Slow Body Rock (Rockstar Romance) Read online
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Teasing my clit gently, he groaned with pure thirst. My fingers went down, guiding his head and feeling his soft hair. The pressure in me was electric; it frightened me. I couldn't bare to let myself orgasm, not on his face like this.
“Drezden,” I blurted, tugging at his hair. “You need to—ah! Stop, come on, come up!”
In argument, he nibbled just on the edge of my clit. My scream was wild, back arching on the bed. A ripple of tension stretched, an elastic that connected me from my scalp to my pussy. “W—wait, wait...!”
The singer for Headstones wasn't listening to me. In a funny moment of clarity, I didn't think he ever had. He'd forced me to show him my bitten tongue, insisted he treat my wounds, kissed me and touched me and chased me down all after I'd told him no...
And here I was. The result of all his pressing.
Letting him eat me out.
My elastic snapped, tingles shooting through and centering on my lower belly. I came hard, screaming and biting down on my wrist. The noise still reached my ears, another thing to imprint and associate with Drezden Halifax.
He was taking hold of me in every possible way.
Gasping, I didn't notice he moved until he tangled his tongue with mine. Cupping my cheeks, he kissed me until my heart came back down from the clouds. But he wasn't done, there was no stopping him.
Sliding his briefs down, he exposed his warm member. It bounced off of me, pressed on my belly. I caught a glimpse of it, the head purple with anger. He was making himself hold back so much. If what I'd experienced was a controlled Drezden, the unrestricted version could only spell doom.
“Lola,” he said, voice labored. I heard him reach for something on the edge of the bed. From his crumpled jeans, he slipped a foil packet; the condom rolled over his engorged prick.
Our foreheads touched, his shirt rubbing over my sensitive nipples. “God, Lola.” Then the tip of his cock brushed my wet entrance.
My lungs, my insides, everything became cement. This was it; the moment I'd been waiting for. Movies and books had warned me over and over, sex would hurt the first time. It also assured me that men always asked first. They were supposed to look you in the eye and make sure you were ready.
Drezden bit down on my shoulder, then began to spread me open.
There was a sense of being filled, one that continued on as he kept entering me. I didn't know how big he should have felt. What was normal? How could I know? My brain kept warning me that it was too much. He was stretching me, surely I would break in two.
On my temple, he groaned. He had my waist in a vice grip, keeping me still as he kept sliding in. It was eons, it had to be forever. I existed in eternity with the man who seemed keen to rip me apart.
With a long sigh, he sank to the root. My eyes snapped open, confused. Where was the pain? Shouldn't that have hurt? It wasn't a peaceful moment to wonder. Drezden was withdrawing, taking my sanity with him.
The ridge of his cock-head came to the edge of my pussy. In a deliberately slow thrust, he sank back in. The pattern started that way, calm and collected. Each pump of his hips drove Drezden further to the brink; I heard it in his breathing.
“God, you're tight,” he gasped. It was amazing I heard him at all. I was sinking in a sea of warmth and cotton. Everything he did felt astounding. Why the hell had I fought him off?
Waiting was a mistake.
I'd chided Drezden over finding time, but I was the hypocrite. Two days wasted, where I could have just kissed him from the onset and begun this fucking insane ride. He'd begged me to take the risk with him. I was a fool for being so scared.
He swelled inside of me, his length pulsing. Slamming into me faster, Drezden held me down like I would try to escape. Doesn't he know by now? I'm trapped with him. I'm stuck. He was everything I'd wanted, a creature made up from the songs he sang.
In the black, you walk with me...
Yes. I'd walked with him in my head for years. My comfort, my solace, a voice that rang with understanding. Someone who seemed to fucking understand what it meant to suffer and fight and be alone.
But I wasn't alone... not right then.
I'll walk in the god damn black with him, if he'll let me.
Our cries were melting together. In sync, we rocked our bodies and surged with mounting passion. I wanted him, wanted him so much, and nothing would take that away. I could have whatever I wanted... that was the dream, right?
I was a rockstar.
Nothing could stop me.
With a throttled snarl, Drezden buried his face in my neck and came. He was quaking in me, stirring me up while he filled the condom. A part of me felt denied, as if his seed belonged to me, not some rubber tube.
There wasn't true silence. Our breathing merged, raspy and wet. He laid on me fully, the flutter of his heart knocking on my ribs. For some time, we just stayed like that. I didn't know who moved first, only that we disengaged with mutual winces.
Sitting back, Drezden sat on the bed. He was quick to unroll the condom; expert.
I hated that. Even if I reaped the reward of his experience, it made me sour. He didn't ask me if it was my first time, either. That, too, made me feel unsettled.
My eyes ate him up, watched him toss the condom in the trash. He still wore his shirt. I feel a little... robbed. Why had he refused to take it off?
“Are you alright?” he asked, concern warming his emerald eyes.
Sitting up, I searched for my clothes. “I'm fine, just... stunned, I guess.” His soft laugh warmed my neck.
Moving close, he stopped me from getting changed. Pushing me back, he kissed me so long I saw spots. “Lola, you're—fuck. You were amazing.” The mattress springs squeaked when he settled next to me. I didn't struggle, happy to let him pull me against his body.
The strain of the long day was taking its toll. I heard Drezden yawn; his breathing transforming to the gentle waves of sleep soon after. I stayed there in his arms until I knew it was no good.
The dumb light needs to go off.
With care, I extracted myself. On bare feet I padded to the light... then stopped. Turning, I stared at Drez, counting the seconds. Had my movement woken him? The lift and fall of his shoulders said no.
He was curled on his side, back facing me where I stood. The idea that arose gave me chills. I shouldn't.
I was already tip-toeing to the side of the bed.
Crouching low, I was faced with his broad back. Under the cloth, his muscles flexed even in sleep. Trembling fingers inched through the air towards him. I had to stop, restarting twice before I felt calm enough to try.
Edging up his shirt, I listened to the blood slam in my skull. Slow, slow, go slow. Drezden had worked so hard to take the attention off of lifting his shirt. I was too curious not to take the chance and see why.
I didn't need to lift much to find the reason.
There, glossy and old on his lower back, I saw a scar as long as my hand. Releasing the shirt quickly, I covered my mouth. What is that, what's that from? It wasn't a small wound. Whatever had happened to Drezden had been painful.
There were knots in my calves when I turned the light off.
Sinking down beside him, I gazed into darkness. It didn't matter if my eyes were open or shut. Blackness became my world, cursing me with silence that grew paranoia like weeds. Why would he hide that? Absently, I traced the inside of my right arm. Did he think he couldn't trust me not to pry?
Guilt coiled, sharp. I would have asked. He might not have answered, but this... knowing about that scar, without him knowing I know, is far more torturous. Something, or someone, had hurt Drezden Halifax. Scars were an old friend of mine. I didn't blame him for wanting to avoid explaining.
Relating didn't soothe my worries.
Curling on my side, I buried my cheek in the pillow. His sounds, his smell, it filtered around. He was close to capturing every part of me, and yet, I still knew so little about him.
Tomorrow, will we both be different people? I could
n't deal with the idea that I wasn't transformed. The me that had existed before Drezden and I had kissed was a far cry from the version of me that had to live with the fact we'd just made love.
What will he act like tomorrow? What will my life be like now?
Sleep would not come easy for me that night.
That was fine.
I needed every iota of alone time I could salvage to think.
End of Book Two
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A USA Today Bestselling Author, Nora Flite loves to write new adult romance (especially the dramatic, gritty kind!) Inspired by the complicated events and wild experiences of her own life, she wants to share those stories with her audience.
Born in the tiniest state, coming from what was essentially dirt, she's learned to embrace and appreciate every opportunity the world gives her.
She's also, possibly, addicted to coffee and sushi.
Not at the same time, of course.
Check out her blog, noraflite.blogspot.com, also email her at [email protected] if you just have some questions!
-Nora Flite
Also by Nora Flite
The Body Rock Series
Slow Body Rock (Rockstar Romance)
Letting You In (New Adult Romance)
Letting You Know (Letting You In Series #2)
Watch for more at Nora Flite’s site.